Archive for ‘lack of fashion’

September 7, 2011

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Trying to expand a little! So if you’re new to my blog allow me to introduce myself! I’m your average hard-working girl with a slew of grad school student loans from a very prestigious southern art school! I long for a chic, sophisticated and elegant wardrobe, something I’ve never had or cared for until now. Follow my journey as I transform from a mid-30s tomboy to a mid-30s fashionista! I’m a fast learner so hopefully this will be one of the easier and more interesting crash courses I’ve taken! Please click on this post’s title and follow me with BlogLovin!

August 8, 2011

Shades of Grey

Can you say blah? My closet is full of grey clothing! Grey sweaters (2 almost identical pairs from the Gap), grey t-shirts, grey pants, grey thermal shirt, nail polish, flip flops and a grey wrap that I wore to my wedding where my bridesmaids wore grey dresses! Ugh! I need to get out of this grey slump and start seeing some color. I’m currently wearing one of my grey sweaters, but it’s my favorite! I need to search for a new or a couple new sweaters that will be my favorites this fall! Short and sweet today!
